Training Analysis
Top Performers
Average performance for individual Pokemon and movesets used in Training Battles. Data is sampled from both players and bots in the Elite and Champion difficulties. If a Pokemon or moveset isn't listed, it may not have a sufficient usage.
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Pokemon | Team Rating | Individual Rating |
Usage | |
Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
129.3% | 1,024 |
Team Rating - Similar to the Battle Rating metric in battle simulations, the Team Rating metric is a number between 0 and 1000 that measures the quality of wins and losses depending on how much HP remains on the opposing team. An average team rating above 500 means teams including that Pokemon win more often. An average team rating below 500 indicates underperformance, and that teams including that Pokemon may struggle.
Individual Rating - The individual rating metric measures the damage output of a Pokemon in battle. 100% equals 1 Pokemon worth of damage. This metric also includes shields drawn by the Pokemon: 1 shield is treated as 50% of a Pokemon in Great League, and 40% of a Pokemon in Ultra and Master League. Pokemon with high average individual rating have strong damage output and shield pressure. However, high individual rating doesn't always correlate to success on a team.
Usage - Usage by players and bots on teams of 3. A large sample size will yield higher confidence in the data. A small sample size may be the result of an individual player, and consequentially yield lower confidence in the data. The data is filtered by a mininum usage threshold.
Top Teams
Team (Lead First) | Team Rating | Usage | |||
Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
Bubble, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump
1,024 |
Team Rating - Similar to the Battle Rating metric in battle simulations, the Team Rating metric is a number between 0 and 1000 that measures the quality of wins and losses depending on how much HP remains on the opposing team. An average team rating above 500 means this team wins more often. An average team rating below 500 indicates underperformance.
Usage - Usage by players and bots. A large sample size will yield higher confidence in the data. A small sample size may be the result of an individual player, and consequentially yield lower confidence in the data. The data is filtered by a mininum usage threshold.
This page offers another way to analyze the PvP meta to find Pokemon and teams that may work for you. Knowing what the data represents will help you make the most of it.
Where does this data come from?
Data is sampled from Training Battles people play against the site's bot. The sampled data is typically over a 7-day period. It includes Pokemon and team data as played by both players and the bot. While it doesn't directly represent battles from the game, it is a close approximation.
The data is sampled with a threshold of around 150 minimum games for Pokemon, and 20 games minimum for teams. Pokemon and teams near these thresholds are marked orange to highlight their small sample sizes. Pokemon or teams with small sample sizes are more prone to being outliers (whether overperforming or underperforming). Consider these data points with some healthy skepticism.
How does this page differ from the regular rankings?
The regular rankings are generated using 1 vs 1 simulations between eligible Pokemon. The results are empirical and repeatable, but don't take into account team composition or full dynamic play like switching or failed/successful baits. It can provide immediate results for new Pokemon or move updates.
The Training Analysis data is recorded from fully played games from the Train feature. Team composition, player decisions, and dynamic play are all taken into account. It is able to provide a fuller picture than the simulated rankings. However, the data is not empirical. Performance and usage numbers are subject to the players who use the Train feature, how frequently they use particular Pokemon, and their performance with those Pokemon. Training Analysis also cannot provide immediate data for new Pokemon or move updates; a sufficient volume of battles must be recorded first.